Jens studied „Molecular Biology“ at the International Max-Planck Research School in Göttingen and received his PhD at the Max-Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry on “RNA interference”. After postdoc positions in Germany and the Netherlands he led the research group “Medical RNA Biology” at the German Primate Center where he worked on viral and non-viral delivery systems, transient gene therapeutics and neuro-optogenetics. He received grants from multiple national and international organizations, co-founded a biotech start-up, was elected to the Young Leaders in Science Program (Schering Foundation) and became a full member of the GGNB (Göttingen Graduate School for Neurosciences and Molecular Biosciences).
In 2020, Jens co-founded the Curexsys GmbH and is now active as managing director and chief scientific officer. Curexsys is developing therapeutic EVs on iPSC-basis and establishes platform technologies for upstream and downstream processes.