Emilia Andersson, MD, PhD

Oncology lead Roche Diagnostics, EMEA-LATAM and President Swedish Society of Pathology.

Dr. Emilia Andersson MD, PhD. is the Oncology lead for Roche Diagnostics Medical and Governmental Affairs team in the EMEA-LATAM region.

She received her MD at Uppsala University in 2000 and completed her residency in Anatomical Pathology and her PhD in tumour immunology at Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden.

Before joining Roche she served as Medical Director for Unilabs Pathology Labs in Sweden, where she was part of implementing Digital Pathology for routine primary diagnostics. She also has several years of experience in Pharma and Drug development.

Emilia is still practicing clinical pathology as a consultant and serves as the President of the Swedish Society of pathologists.

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