Kristoffer S. Rohrberg, MD, PhD

Unit of Integrative Metabolomics, Karolinska Institute

Kristoffer is MD, PhD and head of the Phase 1 Unit, Department of Oncology at Rigshospitalet, University Hospital of Copenhagen.

The phase 1 Unit is a highly specialized unit only conducting early clinical trials and translational research with a focus on precision oncology. Kristoffer is principal investigator on more than 20 ongoing early phase clinical trials, mainly phase 1 first in human trials and trials of molecularly targeted therapies. As head of the Phase 1 Unit, he is the daily leader of the genomic project (CoPPO) treating late-stage cancer patients with precision oncology based on extensive genomic analysis and proteomics. Data generated by the analysis and treatment of these patients are used in collaboration with basic researchers on a national and international level.

Kristoffer’s research focus is on early clinical trials and translational research within the field of precision oncology, using genomic analysis and proteomics to detect and target genomic variants in late-stage cancer patients, exploring clonal evolution and resistance mechanisms to precision oncology therapies and identifying potential ways to overcome resistance. Kristoffer has vast experience in conducting translational research with a clinical focus and to bring back data and treatments for the patients, based on the results.

His aim is to procure as much translational knowledge from each of the 6-700 patients annually referred to the Phase 1 Unit, to improve treatment for the current and coming patients. This is only done by collaboration with top research groups around the world.

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