Prof. Dr. Janne Lehtiö

Since 2015 Janne Lehtiö has held the faculty professor position in Medical Proteomics at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Professor in Medical Proteomics at Karolinska Institutet

Scientific Director, Science for Life Laboratory, Sweden

Head of Clinical Proteomics Unit, Karolinska Univ. Hospital

Janne Lehtiö has MSc degree from Helsinki University, Finland and PhD in engineering at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden. Post the PhD, Lehtiö worked a few years in biotech industry in USA and Europe; and obtained his postdoctoral experience in cancer research at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. In 2015, he was selected to faculty Professor position at Karolinska Institutet and since 2021 holds shared clinical professor position at Karolinska univ. hospital heading cancer proteomics unit. Lehtiö is pointed as visiting professors at InFlames flagship program on immunology at University of Turku, Finland.

Lehtiö-labs major research focus in on proteome analysis, systems biology and cancer precision medicine. He’s lab is working from methods development to clinical applications mainly focusing on lung and breast cancer as well as in leukaemia research.

Lehtiö has also vast experience on research infrastructures, from heading core facilities and national infrastructure initiatives to expert assignments in the field of technology driven personalized medicine. Since 2018 Lehtiö serves, part time, as Scientific Director for SciLifeLab, Sweden’s national bioscience infrastructure and is engaged in SciLifeLab-KAW Data Driven Life Science program as steering group member and precision medicine area-lead. He also serves in Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Center board of directors and scientific advisory boards for national infrastructures in both Finland (Biocenter Finland) and Norway (NAPI). Lehtiö is member of Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet.

Selected recent publications:

  1. The Molecular Tumor Board Portal supports clinical decisions and automated reporting for precision oncology. Tamborero D,… Lehtiö J. Nature Cancer v 3, pages251–261 (2022)
  2. Proteogenomics of non-small cell lung cancer reveals molecular subtypes associated with specific therapeutic targets and immune evasion mechanisms. Lehtiö J, …, Orre LM. Nature Cancer2021 Nov
  3. Support systems to guide clinical decision-making in precision oncology: The Cancer Core Europe Molecular Tumor Board Portal. Tamborero D, …, Lehtiö J. Nature Medicine. 2020 Jul;26(7):992-994.
  4. Breast cancer quantitative proteome and proteogenomic landscape. Johansson HJ, …Lehtiö J., Nature Communications, 10 Apr, 2019.
  5. SubCellBarCode: Proteome-wide mapping of protein localization and relocalization. Orre LM, …, Lehtiö Molecular Cell. 2019 Jan 3.
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