The PMF Podcast

Delivering the right content, to the right people, at the right time...

From early research to the clinic, we delve into the world of precision medicine from the perspective of world leading researchers, clinicians, patient groups and industry experts.

Welcome To The Precision Medicine Forum Podcast

The PMF Podcast aims to educate, facilitate discussions, and offer perspectives from the clinicians, researchers, industry and patient groups to those within their respective institutions to harness the full potential of precision medicine and ultimately transform future healthcare.

We provide unique insights from many disciplines around the globe in a relaxed, unscripted fashion allowing our guests to speak candidly about the challenges we face and success they have had in bringing precision medicine to the fore.

PMF chats to Professor Dame Sue Hill, the Senior Responsible Officer for Genomics in NHS England about the importance of collaborative approaches and the progress made over the last 10 years. It's the final interview released this week as a celebration of the success of Genomics England's 100,000 Genomes Project.
It's the third of 4 interviews released during this week as a celebration. PMF chats to Jillian Hastings Ward, the Chair of the Participant Panel, about her role of representing the interests of patients. Jillian joined the 100,000 Genomes Project in 2015 in search of a diagnosis for her disabled son.
PMF chats to Dan Hauzenberger and Turid Sundin Carlsson from Devyser about the importance of collaborative work, 'homebrew assays' and a future with preventative healthcare. This episode is dedicated to the 10-year anniversary of Genomics England's 100,000 Genomes Project.
PMF chats to Chris Wigley, the CEO of Genomics England about Genomic progress over the past decade and what the future looks like for Genomics England.
On this episode of Precision Medicine Forum Podcast, Steve's chatting with Joanna Holbrook who's the Chief Scientific Officer at Cambridge Epigenetix.
On this episode of Precision Medicine Forum Podcast, Steve's chatting with Dr Laura Esserman, who's the Principal Investigator at The WISDOM Study. The WISDOM Study brings together 100,000 diverse women from across the US to find the safest and most effective way to detect breast cancer for every woman.
On this episode of Precision Medicine Forum Podcast, Scott's chatting with Olivier Elemento about the funding he and his teams have recently received to research and create an artificial intelligence system which will be able to help doctors diagnose and treat diseases, including cancer and depression, based on the sound of a patient's voice.
On today's episode, Steve welcomes our first guest presenter: Torie Robinson is host of the brilliant Epilepsy Sparks Insights Podcast and she's chatting with David Rose. Dave has Occipital Horn Syndrome, an ultra-rare disease effecting his heart, kidney, bladder, bowel and entire muscular-skeletal system.
During this episode, Dr Anthony Khawaja chats with Scott Buckler about the need for precision management in glaucoma. Recent research efforts are exploring modifiable risk factors such as caffeine consumption.
On this episode of Precision Medicine Forum Podcast, Steve's chatting with Genome Canada's Chief Scientific Officer, Catalina Lopez-Correa. During the chat, they speak of how quickly precision medicine has changed over the past few years.
On this episode of Precision Medicine Forum Podcast, Steve's chatting with Archana Sah MS (Pharm.) PMP. Archana is the Founder and CEO of AS Pharma Advisors. During this episode, she speaks passionately about the importance of the role of the patient within the medical process.
On this episode of Precision Medicine Forum Podcast, Scott's chatting with Dr Nina Fuller-Shavel. Nina is Director of the award winning Synthesis Clinic, and Co-Chair of the British Society for Integrative Oncology (BSIO)
On this episode of Precision Medicine Forum Podcast, Steve's chatting with Francesco Florindi. Francesco works for Thermo Fisher Scientific and builds bridges among patients, researchers, decision makers & industry to deliver personalised medicine & predictive genomics.
On this episode of Precision Medicine Forum Podcast, Scott's chatting with Lesley Stark. Lesley received a B.Sc in Cell Biology from the University of Aberdeen in 1990.
On this episode of Precision Medicine Forum Podcast, Steve's chatting with Peter Goodhand. Peter is CEO of "Global Alliance for Genomics & Health" (GA4GH).
On this episode of Precision Medicine Forum Podcast, Scott's chatting with Dr Reena Gollapudy. Reena is the Chief Scientific Officer at Citadel Precision Medicine.
On this episode of Precision Medicine Forum Podcast, Steve's chatting with Tamara Hussong Milagre. Tamara is the President of Evita, and is passionate about her work to support families affected by Hereditary Cancer Syndromes.
On this episode of Precision Medicine Forum Podcast, Scott Buckler is chatting with Lifebit's Chief Business Development Officer, Thorben Seeger. They talk about unlocking and accessing very sensitive, highly valuable data around the world.
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