Dr. Elemento is a tenured full professor at Weill Cornell Medicine and the Director of the Caryl and Israel Englander Institute for Precision Medicine (EIPM) and Associate Director for the Institute for Computational Biomedicine. The Englander Institute’s mission is to use genomics, AI and other technologies to bring highly personalized medicine to patients at NewYork Presbyterian Hospital and foster patient-centered basic and clinical research in the areas of genomics, systems biology, AI and data science.
Dr. Elemento has published over 280 papers in the area of precision medicine, genomics, computational biology, systems biology and drug discovery. He has led the development of novel clinical (CLIA) genomics assays including whole-exome sequencing offered to patients at WCM/NYPH and is currently leading a large multi-disease effort to bring WGS into clinical practice at WCM/NYP.