Manish Kohli

Manish Kholi is the Professor of Medicine at the University of Utah and holds the Jack R. and Hazel M. Robertson Presidential Endowed Chair for cancer research at the huntsman Cancer Institute.

His on-going activities focus on conducting clinical trials, developing cancer biorepositories and research on emerging “omics” based themes.

His peer reviewed funding consists of 4 active RO-O1s (as MPI) and a DoD IDEA award as a Co-Investigators. His multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional teams investigate stage specific micro-RNA and cell free/circulating tumor DNA targets in liquid biopsies in advanced prostate cancer patients in small volume blood samples. They also conduct research from their real world biorepositories on circulatory proteomics and epigenomics.

He is also part of a team that conducts Health economics outcome research (HEOR) to enhance oncology clinical practice.

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