- Product Manager, Devyser AB
- Master of Science in Biotechnology at Swedish Agricultural University, SLU
- PhD in Molecular Medicine at Uppsala University, with a focus on molecular method development
- Postdoc within Science for Life Laboratory, Molecular Diagnostics research group, Stockholm University
- With Devyser since 2015, first as Technical Lead at R&D department and since June 2021 as Product Manager
Devyser NGS – one-tube solution for comprehensive genetic testing of thalassemia
Traditional best practice genetic testing for thalassemia is challenging and time consuming both for the laboratory and the physician. It normally involves a patchwork of methods to check for all possible changes. Not only is this a lengthy and complicated process, but it comes with a higher risk of variant non-detection and sample contamination.
Devyser Thalassemia is a simple one-tube NGS assay that detects all sequence variants in HBA1, HBA2 and HBB in a single run. The assay detects SNVs, Indels and applies two methods to reliably detect CNVs.
The end-to-end CE-IVD solution consists of a fully validated workflow including NGS library preparation and a customized data interpretation software.
The solution reduces the laboratory workflow by days and the complete clinical workflow by month.