Dr. Teresa Zayas Cabán

Dr. Teresa Zayas Cabán is ONC’s Chief Scientist and is responsible for developing and evaluating ONC’s overall scientific efforts and activities. Her division develops, establishes, or recommends scientific policy to the National Coordinator. She directs ONC’s precision medicine initiative (PMI) activities and provides oversight of ONC’s patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) projects.

In July 2019, Dr. Zayas Cabán joined the National Library of Medicine on detail from ONC.  In her role as Coordinator for FHIR Acceleration, she led National Institutes of Health-funded development efforts that accelerate researcher access to clinical data in the FHIR standard.  She worked directly with NLM leadership and the NIH Office of Data Science Strategy and the NIH Scientific Data Council to coordinate trans-NIH FHIR efforts.

Dr. Zayas Cabán was previously the Chief of Health IT research and acting director of the division of health IT at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). While at AHRQ, she set new directions for their funding opportunities and coordinated with federal partners, such as the National Science Foundation.

Before joining AHRQ, she served as a post-doctoral trainee in the computation and informatics in biology and medicine program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Zayas Cabán obtained her doctorate in industrial and systems engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she was a National Science Foundation graduate research fellow in industrial engineering.
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