Richard Ballerand

Richard Ballerand is an Axolotl partner and digital engagement advocate. Passionate about patient and public involvement, he chairs the Patient and Public Voice group of the London Clinical Senate NHSEI and is a use MY data  Advisory Group member.
During the pandemic he has inputted into Health Data Research UK key mission, and continued his work with the NICE Technology Appraisal and NIHR Health Technology Assessment programmes.
This dovetails with roles on NHSx National Data Collaborative, National Data Guardian Oversight Group, THIN (The Health Improvement Network) Advisory Committee, Google Health Patient User Group, and the Beneficial Changes Network.
An RSM Fellow, he serves on its Medicine & Society Section Council, and is completing a EUPATI (European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation) Training Fellowship.
An avid international collaborator (COVID-END Horizon Scanning Global Panel), Richard has been an EMA/IMI European Patient Expert, BMJ Patient Reviewer, EIT Expert Evaluator, and NIA Interviewer.
Given his own lived experience, Richard is interested in the challenges facing people with “invisible” disabilities, our diverse communities, the ex-military, as well as the promise and risks of new technologies. @RMBallerand
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