Pete Wheatstone

Pete Wheatstone, Patient Advocate

Pete was diagnosed with Stage III bowel cancer in 2014 which brought an end to his professional IT career. Following recovery from treatment, Pete now spends a large proportion of his time helping to drive improvements in earlier diagnosis, smarter and kinder treatments and a better quality of life for cancer patients.  He works with both cancer researchers and data science researchers in over 20 UK & European organisations. He chairs a number of Patient Panels and sits on research programmes Trial Steering & Management Groups with many of the major cancer charities, universities, NIHR Biomedical Research Centres, Public Health England and some commercial companies.

Pete seeks to provide cancer patient insights for researchers and organisations both on cancer-related matters and attitudes to sharing and use of health data. He worked with Understanding Patient Data on their award-winning animation series Data Saves Lives and is a member of the Advisory Group to use MY data.

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