Global Experts Reach Agreement on best practice standards in reporting genomics education and evaluation

Australian Genomics convened the group of experts from across the globe to form an agreement on the best practices for genomics education and evaluation.

The recently agreed set of standards to describe genomics education and it’s evaluation were published this month in Genetics in Medicine.

It is believed that these new standards will support greater transparency, consistency and comprehensiveness of reporting amongst health professionals, journals, and policy makers who are involved in genomics education interventions and evaluation.

Australian Genomics got 43 experts together from 11 countries to develop the reporting standards. The meeting attendees included members of four human/medical genetics society education committees and 16 intern/national genomic initiatives.

The group are now working with societies and journals internationally to promote and endorse RISE2 Genomics as the expected standards to report genomics education and evaluation, and create a robust evidence base for high-quality genomics education across diverse settings.

Read more about RISE2 Genomics here.

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