Nordic Pathology Forum
26-27 June 2023 | Stockholm
Following the success of the Nordic Precision Medicine Forum we are thrilled to announce the inaugural Nordic Oncology Forum, a multi topic meeting dedicated to advancing the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of cancer in and across the Nordics.

Digital and molecular pathology have now become widespread across the Nordics, which has opened up a huge opportunity for the region to implement advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence-based image analysis and ultra-fast next-generation sequencing. Yet challenges and hurdles still remain for such technologies, not least their development and standardisation, and integration into pathology laboratory workflows. The Nordic Pathology Forum will address such challenges bringing together pathologists, clinicians, bioinformaticians and developers for problem-solving discussions and fruitful collaborations.
The agenda for 2023 is currently in production and will be released soon. To be informed when it is available, please contact us.
From keynotes to panel discussions, industry satellites to posters, speaking at our Forum puts you in front of the right people. Speaking opportunities are limited so if you feel you have something you can bring to the table please contact us.
Our Speakers
Speakers for Precision Oncology Forum comprises C-Level multidisciplinary group of experts drawn from healthcare, industry, patient groups, research, payers and Government. The programme is currently in production. We will be releasing the confirmed speakers soon and a full agenda in early 2023.
Contact Joel Hornby

Merel Hennink
Merel started the foundation Stichting Merels Wereld to raise awareness about ROS1.

Julie Smith, DVM, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer, University College Copenhagen (Københavns Professionshøjskole) Denmark.

Prof Hans Gelderblom
Heads department of medical oncology at Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands

Prof Iwona Lugowska
Prof. Iwona Lugowska, MD PhD Head of the Early Phase Clinical Trials Unit, NIO-PIB, Poland

Prof Dr Ed Schuuring, PhD
Senior clinical scientist in molecular pathology, University Medical Center Groningen

Dr Eugenia Colon
Senior Consultant at Sankt Görans Hospital, Unilabs Department of Pathology

Emilia Andersson, MD, PhD
Oncology lead Roche Diagnostics, EMEA-LATAM and President Swedish Society of Pathology.

Anders Edsjö MD PhD
Clinical Pathologist, Senior Consultant in Molecular Pathology and Section Head at the Department of Clinical Genetics, Pathology and Molecular Diagnostics, Lund, Sweden

Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Pantel
Chairman of the Institute of Tumour Biology at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf.